Promobot Thermocontrol

Promobot Thermocontrol

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SKU: 13015337


Thermocontrol Plus


The autonomous screening stations for contactless body temperature measurement Promobot's Thermocontrol Plus monitors every visitor’s body temperature, without touch and with high accuracy.


Its automatic operation allows organizations, companies, shopping malls, department stores, public buildings and services to monitor the temperature of their visitors, employees and customers quickly and easily without requiring personnel for the process.


The measurement process takes only 5 seconds, the user is not required to touch the device during the measurement and the result is displayed on the integrated screen of the device.


Green indicates normal temperature, while red indicates that temperature is above normal.


If the temperature exceeds normal, the device sends a notification to the building security manager.


The device can perform more than 600 measurements per hour and sends real-time notifications to the operator.


The installation is very simple and the process simply requires the device to be connected to the internet.


Furthermore Thermocontrol Plus provides additional features including face, age and gender recognition, record keeping up to 1,000 people, video calling, integration with access control system, and support for name input and navigation using voice commands.


Through Thermocontrol Plus stations, sites, stores and public services that receive many visitors, can have a very quick measurement of the temperature of people entering their premises, in the context of protecting public health, preventing and limiting the spread of pandemic.