Technology product distribution services
We have developed one of the largest and strongest collaboration networks in the entire retail technology market.
With a wide and constantly evolving product portfolio, we have built one of the most extensive and dynamic collaboration networks in the entire retail technology market, as well as with all telecommunications providers in Greece and Cyprus. The range of products we distribute includes technology products, telecommunications equipment, white goods, technology accessories and gadgets.
Product categories
We cater to the entire market and distribute over 50% of the technology accessories sold in the Greek market.
We collaborate with all the leading companies in the telecommunications and technology sector, as well as with the leading electrical and electronic chains in Greece.
Globalsat’s distribution services cover a wide range of products and are addressed to:

Retail Chains

Retail Chain


Electronic Product Stores

Equipment Retail Chain

360 Services



Β2Β Portal
The Technology Product Distribution solutions are fully supported by the company’s new B2B portal, through which each partner, whether at the central or branch level, submits their orders and monitors their stock. The processes designed within this framework are fully supported by the Distribution solutions.

More specifically:
- The new B2B portal has a renewed design and at the same time, offers an advanced, targeted and user-friendly navigation experience to its users.
- The B2B portal includes all the product codes, the main product categories and all the brands that we distribute to the partners of the OCMS service.
- The stores can search for product information, navigate to category pages, and make purchases.
- The B2B portal supports 10 commercial features that enable us to present offer campaigns with coupons, product bundles, or offers to stores.
- Through the B2B portal, we support the processes that enhance the store network of each customer/partner.
- Returns of products.
- Account update (order history, invoicing history, customer records etc).
- Informational/Educational Files (Planograms, Procedures, After-Sales).
- The mobile version of the portal is supported.
Contact Form
Contact us to jointly look for proposals that meet the needs of your business.